✵土生土長的農場主人有莊稼人的熱情、都會人的積極幹勁,從小便在與廣達400多公頃的林地裡玩捉迷藏! 森林裡百年杉木林、茂盛的竹林,以及溫帶、寒帶的林木如紅豆杉、冷杉、雲杉、鐵杉等,是小時最好的玩伴。到此處度假,不論是哪個季節,主人總能帶你找尋他最精采的童年記憶:春天山櫻、八重櫻輪番上演,夏季抓獨角仙、夜遊探秘;秋冬雲霧裊繞,登高欣賞雲瀑流洩的美景!讓我們跟著主人,回到童年最無憂無慮的歲月!不趕行程、沒有Shopping、不催促、沒有Morning Call,用最放鬆的心情,回家度假!
Owner Mr. Deng is a who grew up with 400 hectares of woodland to play hide and seek! Regardless of the season, Mr. Deng takes you in search of his most exciting childhood memories: View the cherry blossoms in Spring; catch beetles or go on a night expedition in Summer; and hike the mountains to feast your eyes in the sea of clouds in Autumn and Winter. Revisit the carefree days of our childhood. No rushed journey, no shopping, no hurriedness, no morning calls; just relax as it’s like vacationing at one’s home.
In addition to scenic views, abundant natural surroundings, gourmet cuisine is also a major feature of the farm. Try the home-grown bamboo shoots prepared in different styles, whether it is stewed, boiled in soup or just eaten on its own.
Owner Mr. Deng is a who grew up with 400 hectares of woodland to play hide and seek! Regardless of the season, Mr. Deng takes you in search of his most exciting childhood memories: View the cherry blossoms in Spring; catch beetles or go on a night expedition in Summer; and hike the mountains to feast your eyes in the sea of clouds in Autumn and Winter. Revisit the carefree days of our childhood. No rushed journey, no shopping, no hurriedness, no morning calls; just relax as it’s like vacationing at one’s home.
In addition to scenic views, abundant natural surroundings, gourmet cuisine is also a major feature of the farm. Try the home-grown bamboo shoots prepared in different styles, whether it is stewed, boiled in soup or just eaten on its own.
You can also feast your taste buds on the array of herbal cuisine, cooked using organic fruits and vegetables; it is not only delicious but healthy too.

Guests can also pick their own seasonal vegetables in the vegetable garden and Mrs Deng will gladly turn it into a sumptuous meal for you’ For those who’d like to experience the hardship of tea plantation workers, follow Mr. Deng. After a day’s of hard work, do not gorge your meal in haste, take your time to slowly savour the freshness of the food and feel the sincerity of the hostess who prepared the food. This is the best way to enjoy a meal.
Guests can also pick their own seasonal vegetables in the vegetable garden and Mrs Deng will gladly turn it into a sumptuous meal for you’ For those who’d like to experience the hardship of tea plantation workers, follow Mr. Deng. After a day’s of hard work, do not gorge your meal in haste, take your time to slowly savour the freshness of the food and feel the sincerity of the hostess who prepared the food. This is the best way to enjoy a meal.
✵層層疊疊的茶園、一片片高聳入雲竹木、一處處充滿芬多精的森林,與散落在各地的小村落,這裡是石棹,大阿里山區珠露茶的故鄉,也是日本的明日葉第一次栽種成功的地方,而您在阿里山地區的家──龍雲農場,就位在這幅畫裡… 龍雲農場,大阿里山石棹地區最美的珍藏!
Rolling hills of tea plantation, towering bamboos, a forest full of phytoncid, small villages scattered around; this is Shi Diao, the home of Alishan;s Dewdrop tea, as well as the first place that the Japanese successfully planted Ashitaba. Here you can find the hidden treasure in Alishan’s Shi Diao---Long Yun Farm.
Rolling hills of tea plantation, towering bamboos, a forest full of phytoncid, small villages scattered around; this is Shi Diao, the home of Alishan;s Dewdrop tea, as well as the first place that the Japanese successfully planted Ashitaba. Here you can find the hidden treasure in Alishan’s Shi Diao---Long Yun Farm.